I don't even know how long it has been since I've had my hubby around. He has been in Montana for what seems like an eternity for work. Yes, he's come home for the weekends but it is hard to see any bright spots when I know I'm not going to see him for another 2 weeks.
Not really sure how things will work when he does get home. Once I figure out that life has to go on whether I have help or not I just get to work and seem to manage pretty well. Wait, don't let me fool you, if I had to go out into the workforce and manage the kiddo and house, etc... I'm sure I wouldn't be tooting my horn right now. In fact I was thinking today what a true blessing it is to be home with my little girl. I had been talking with a friend of a friend trying to determine if I could babysit for her. In the end it didn't work out and my heart was breaking when she talked about how hard it was to drop her daughter off every day. I just about started crying. So, where do I get off complaining about being bored, right! No more murmurring from me, mark my words.
Well, maybe just a little more murmurring.
I miss having my husband around....mostly. It is nice to only have to pick up after me and my little tornado. I don't really have to cook either because I'm fine with eating leftovers for days or microwaving a burrito. My laundry loads aren't quite as weighty. The brightest side of being on my own....not having to share the TV. I can watch the Oxygen channel to my hearts content and there is no one there to moan about how lame it is. Actually, come to think of it, it has been a bit of a curse. Usually I don't watch much tv at night and I get to bed at a reasonable hour. Since my unrestrained TV access I get way overstimulated and stay up till...12:14 am. Yikes. I really need Jon to get home. It is not good for (wo)man to be alone!
To wrap up my lonesome rant. Today Silvi said "Daddy, Daddy." I looked around and she was pointing to this picture that I have on the computer desktop. She definitely hasn't forgotten about him.
We miss you Jonny!