Friday, April 17, 2009

Numero Dos

Two is a number that I've been having to contend with lately. First there is my two year old. Stubborn, Imaginative, Energetic, Independent, Intelligent, Sweet, Sensitive, and did I mention stubborn?.... Life with this two year old has been a joy and a challenge, but that is life as a parent, right? She keeps me on my toes and she always surprises me with the things she comes up with. Right now she's very imaginative and imatates me a lot. Just yesterday I heard her in her room feeding her baby. Then in a sing song voice she says "Oh, baby. You spit up. Oh, lets get a burp clothe. Oh baby." As I listened I thought "Do I really sound like that?" Apparently I do because where else would she pick that up. So, thanks to my two year old for holding the mirror up to me!

Now, two kids. Yikes. I'm still trying to figure that one out. First, going places is ridiculous! Just walking from the house to the car carries many challenges with it. I find myself with a bag over my shoulder (sometimes two) carrying a car seat and coaxing Silvia down the stairs. Then of course she diverts from the path and ten minutes has passed by the time we are actually in the car driving away. I'm not the best with time management in the first place so these two kiddo's really put a kink in getting places!
Two kids also requires two times as much of your time and attention. Unfortuately one of the two (sometimes both) get neglected while I wander around the house doing this and that. If only I could focus better! ha ha....that is the story of my life.

Lastly, two months. Little Berg is two months now. It's been a great two months and I love this little guy! Plenty of room is this heart of mine for this boy. Lucky for me he is a lot more patient with me than what I'm used to.

One more two...the number of days it took me to compose this post. If there is any wonder as to why see paragraph two!


Natalie said...

Your kids are so cute though! That must make it all worth it. I am still waiting on number one right now. 9 - the number of days I am over due. Get here already Finley!

Janna said...

You are dong such a GREAT job with those TWO! Again - you inspire me!

Mandy said...

Felicity is having fun adapting to two as well. I heard Brody flooded the kitchen yesterday.

shelley said...

totally right there with you! taking forever to get anywhere, nobody getting as much attention as they need anymore, and having a baby that is way more patient and easier than the first kid was. good to know you're not alone in the "ahh! mommy of two" syndrom! rachelle turns 3 months old next week, and i promise it's been easier this month. good luck!